sâmbătă, 26 septembrie 2009

All The Poker Tips And Tricks

Don’t play a game where you can lose more money than you can afford to lose.

Because poker involves some element of luck, even the very best poker players will go on an unlucky streak, and it’s not uncommon to hear of great players going on a cold streak, and not having a winning session for several games at a time. The reason these players are still making a profit at the end of the year is because they had enough money to be able to weather the storm. If they had put all their money in just one game, played their best, and still lost, they would have been done, and net losers by the end of the year. You need to make sure you have enough money in your bankroll so that you can play the limits you’re comfortable with and be able to withstand a few losses. Knowing you have more money and are properly bankrolled will also boost your confidence and allow you to play without fear. Scared money is lost money. Most experts agree that you should have enough money in your bankroll to account for 300 big blinds in the limit game you are playing. For big bet games, like no limit and pot limit, 20 full buy ins for that game should be enough.

Cake Poker

Pick your spots!

This can mean a number of things in poker, but I’m specifically talking about game selection here. If the top ten poker players in the world decided to play each other every day for the rest of their careers, the number ten player would be a lifelong losing player. You need to make sure you’re playing in a game where you know the competition does not play as well as you. Live play may be tricky, but if you don’t see any pros at the table, go ahead and observe the game for awhile before you sit. If there are enough bad players in the game you should feel good about sitting with them. Likewise, if you know there is a weak home game somewhere in your city, or a casino with particularly soft players, make it a point to play in those games often. Online poker allow even easier ways to see if the competition is weak. Many online tools will let you simply look up a player’s online name and get statistics on that player. Even an online poker lobby will show you what games are loose, and what games seem to be tight. You can choose a game based on your own strengths from there.

Don’t go into a game if you’re head’s not in the right place.

If you’ve been drinking, doing drugs, just had a fight with your wife, or are having a very stressful day, then don’t play poker that day. Making money in poker is just like making money in any other job. You don’t show up to work drunk, so don’t drink while playing poker. Professionals lick their chops when they see a drunk tourist sit at their poker table. If you’re head is not in the right place and you’re distracted, you will not play your best. You will make mistakes. Maybe little ones at first, but this can snowball into multiple mistakes, and if you’re not thinking straight can lead straight to tilt. Losing buy in after buy in, making stupid calls, and basically just throwing money to the other players. Again, always make sure you are in the right frame of mind when you hit the poker tables. Poker tips to use while you play.

Pay attention! Unlike chess, or other strategy based games, poker is a game of incomplete information.

The more information you have, the bigger your edge over the other players. Pay attention to what players seem to bluff too often. Which players who will never call a big bet without the nuts. Pay attention to the flow of the game. Is the table full of wild players throwing money in with any holdings preflop, or are you sitting at a rock garden where players are waiting forever to get a top five hand? Once you’ve observed the players and the way the game is going you’ll be able to adapt and pick the best course of action on how you should modify your own play. Playing pokers with others is not like a computer simulation where there is always one way to play, to get to that next level, you’ll have to learn one of poker’s greatest weapons, which is to shift gears accordingly. And paying attention is the first step in that process.

Wait for good hands.

Especially at a full table, waiting for good starting hands has never hurt anyone. The fact is that bad poker hands are bad because they lose you money in the long run when you play them. Don’t start playing sub par hands because you’re bored. Don’t play trashy hands because you once one a huge pot with a particular trashy hand, and it is now you’re “lucky hand”. To put it simply, just consider folding bad hands as you making money. You are being payed in the long run by folding bad hands. It’s as if at the end of the year, someone went over your hands, saw the bad ones you folded, and payed you money. Playing bad hands pre flop will just make each and every other street in that hand that much harder to play and more expensive.

Stop bluffing!

Or at least save that particular weapon for the right spot, and don’t abuse it. Televised tournaments and poker movies make it seem that the bluff is the coolest and deadliest weapon in poker. If you bluff too much, your opponents will eventually figure you out. Bad players sometimes refuse to fold no matter what when they get a particular starting hand and your bluff will just end up losing you money. Also, some players are intent on playing sheriff or bluff catcher and love calling down with anything from bottom pair, to ace high just to “keep you honest”. While bluffing has it’s place, the inexperienced player uses it way too much, and if they never bluffed once, could probably still be a winning poker player. Again, bluffing is a complicated and tricky thing, and if you rarely use it, you will probably be better off.

Remember these poker tips. Poker starts before you even sit at the table, so remember to have the right amount of money, pick the right games, and make sure your head’s right before you play. And when you do get there, never forget the basics. Wait for good hands, observe the other players, and stop bluffing so much.

The following affiliate programs are the best poker affiliate programs I have dealt with:

Cake Poker – This affiliate program is one of my favorites. The AM at Cake Poker is really helpful and answers e-mail super quick. They hold a lot of great promotions for affiliates such as the Playboy mansion trip, F1 race or the trip to Barcelona.
PAW – The Poker Affiliate World network is a wicked concept. This program works with almost all of the online poker room affiliate programs to create an all-in-one program. Affiliates can sign up for this network and promote every room very easily. Tracker, bonus codes and banners are provided and payments are made from all rooms at once.

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Poker Strategies For ‘Texas Hold’Em’

Strategies on 'Texas Hold'em'

The first poker strategy that comes is – Discipline. It doesn not matter what special skills you have if you do not have discipline. It is always good to work hard on the discipline.

The Bets – The bet is the most important element in poker. We can refer the ‘Chips’ as protons or electrons, but a bet is the basic block of everything that takes place in poker be it good or bad. All the ring games in poker revolve around the bet place by the players. (The case of Tournaments is different. In tournamnets, surviving and being the only winner is a concept that does not relate to the ring games.) In Texas Hold’em, you do not try to win the pots, but you try to achieve the best of it on the bet you place. In this game, a player wagers money, he places bets, with a supposed and analysed favorable expectation. Though it does involve aiming to win the pots, however this is not the main goal of a player, so the whole efforts should not be focused on this. It does not matter whether a player wins or loses, the main motto is to get the money in. So, do not worry about the unimportant things, instead focus on doing the right thing.

The Blinds – Poker is a game of a continuously thinking player. In Poker when the bets are placed without thinking wisely either by bad or good players is not a good thing, a bet is the basic money at the stake. A wise player who belives in playing with poker strategies, should play the game with complete focus on the bets he places thoughtlessly. Now if you have placed the bet without thinking much, then apply this poker strategy – attack the bad players as well as the blinds. In Texas Hold’em, the thoughtful players have an edge when compared to the semi-thoughtful players. Actually the thoughtful players have enormous edges for their bets they place thoughtlessly. Do not forgtet his ‘Thoughful’ poker strategy.

Limit vs No Limit – No Limit ‘Texas Holdem’ tournament poker is different from Limit ‘Texas Holdem’ ring game poker. Most of the winning tactics that are used by the players in ‘No Limit’ are either useless in the Limit ‘Texas Hold’em’ ring games. Here this reference works well – “The chainsaws may be good to things in a better way, but for some tasks, the butter-knifes are perfect solution. Just because a lumberjack cuts down an oak tree with a chainsaw you should not use one to cut butter”.

Starting Hands – One poorly considered conecpt of Texas Hold’em that the most begginers have is that they focus correspondingly on the starting hand groups. Texas Hold’em is game that is more of a post-flop rather than a pre-flop, but the beginners fixate on believing the starting hands guidelines. You completely miss the main game point when you play without understanding why you are playing a specific hand. And also you should know properly that how you intend to play it after different flops. So, always learn how and of course, why play hands. It is simple – learning how to play this complex game means you actually start understanding the reasons for “what” you are doing.

Secrets on 'Texas Hold'em' (click)

Tips on 'Texas Hold'Em'

Don't buy in short-stacked.
You want to have enough money in front of you so your decisions don‘t become "binary" -- in other words, a choice between all-in or folding. Try to buy-in for at least 100x the big blind amount, so in a $1-2 game, that would be $200.

"Poker is a lot like National Geographic"
Mark Seif compared the game to a nature show. He stresses that you should come to the poker table hungry, like a predator looking for their next meal. Look for the weak players and take full advantage of them. You must also never feel bad about taking all the money you can off other players, that should always be your goal: to take it all.

Be proactive about getting in the best game, with the best seat.
Don’t be shy about asking for a seat change or table change. You ideally want a seat with aggressive players to your right, passive to your left, and remember money flows clockwise around the table. On the other hand DO NOT switch seats because you think your seat is “unlucky” or another is “hot” -- there is not such thing. And any player you hear doing that? That’s your next meal.

You must always pay attention
When you sit down, don't post your big blind early. Wait for your big blind to naturally come around and use the time to observe. Identify what types of players are at the table and especially pay attention to people’s betting patterns. Notice what kind of pre-flop bets will get people to fold and which won’t. Who are the aggressive players? Look for tells and listen to what people are saying. Some players will tell you exactly what they had and why they played a hand the way they did. Poker is a game of incomplete information, and the more information you have, the better you'll be able to make the correct decisions.

Master the odds
Make sure you understand how to calculate both your outs and the pot odds. It is also important to understand implied odds. This is a key skill for every winning player, and without it you cannot make correct decisions.
A side point: Always take any edge every time -- even just a 1% edge.

Don’t play worried about “Monsters under the bed”
Many players will play a hand worried about the worst possible scenario: Their flopped trips being beating by a straight that gets there on the river, the straight beaten by a flush. These things happen, but they are rarer then many players believe, who instead adopt a “you’ll hit your one out on the river” mentality that is self-defeating and highly unprofitable. Most of the time, trips win. Most of the time, your full house will not be beaten by a higher full house. Remember that.

Betting is incredibly important
Think about what are you trying to accomplish with your bet: Are you trying to narrow the field? Build the pot? Make a better hand fold? Remember also that how much you bet determines the odds you are giving your opponent. What you want is to force them to make incorrect decisions.

Take your time.
Finally, remember: There is a distinction between instinct and impulse. Think your decision through with all the information you have...and then act. Again, you're not in a tournament and you're not running down any kind of clock if you take an extra minute to make your move.

Top 10 Worst Starting Hands

1. 2-7

7-2 off suit is considered the worst hand in Texas Hold'em. They are the lowest two cards you can have that cannot make a straight (there's 4 cards between 2 and 7). Even if they are suited, they will make you a very low flush, and if either pairs, it's an awfully low hand.
Because it is the worst, some players will play it for fun and in online games, it is known as "the hammer."

2. 2-8
This is the same basic problem as above, only you've got an 8 instead of a 7. Still pretty bad for a high card. Suited or not, this is a fold'em hold'em hand.

3. Tie: 3-8 & 3-7
The 3 makes this hand able to beat the two above it, but with the 3-8 you still can't make a straight and the 3-7 still, well, just sucks.

4. 2-6
While if the board gives you a miracle flop of 3-4-5, you will have a straight, someone with a 6-7 will have a higher straight. If you get a flush, someone will probably have a higher flush. Against even 4 players, this hand will lose about 90% of the time. Not good odds.

5. Tie: 2-9, 3-9, & 4-9
The only thing these three hands have going for them over the hands above is the 9. If the 9 pairs, you'll have a middle pair that could still be beat by anyone holding pocket 10s, jacks, queens, kings, or aces, yet you might be fooled by a board filled with low cards into thinking you have the best hand and losing a lot of money. No straights can fill the gap between these cards, either. Beware.

6. 2-10
This hand has a legendary quality because Doyle Brunson captured two World Series of Poker Bracelets with it. But it's not a good hand -- Doyle Brunson is one of the all-time best in the game and unless you're a Texas road gambler who's logged thousands of hours at the table, you shouldn't try and win with the Doyle Brunson.

7. 5-9
Another hand people play because it's fun is the old 9 to 5, the "Dolly Parton." If you're playing to win, it's not a good idea to play hands because they have a funny name. That may be how you pick the winning horse in a race, but poker's a marathon, not a sprint, and over the long term there's no doubt this hand is a statistical loser.

8. Tie: 4-7, 4-8, 5-8, 3-6...
All these hands will rarely win, especially unsuited. Toss 'em. Just toss'em. Yes, even in the little blind. If you see two low cards in the hole, unless you're in the big blind and you can see the flop for free, fold.

9. Face card + low card, unsuited
One of the most common mistakes I see beginners make is that when they see any paint in their hand, they play it. J-2, Q-3, K-4 whatever -- and most of these hands are losers. They're junk that may win a few pots, but more often will lose you huge cash when you find the other player has a higher kicker and the winning hand.

10. Ace + low card, unsuited
This is another common beginner mistake, playing any ace. Again, it may win occasionally, and heads-up it's a fine hand, but at a table of 4 or more, this hand shouldn't be played if there's a raise in front of you. You're going to be outkicked a lot with Ace-little, and it's going to feel like a kick in the junk when the other player shows their higher ace.

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